IntroductionBack to Top

TeamCI tests shared code standards across all organization repositories. Code standards and configuration files for various linting tools are live in the teamci repo. TeamCI uses this repo for every check. If the teamci repo doesn’t exist, then defaults are used instead. You can get started by forking TeamCI’s configuration repo to YOUR_ORG/teamci. The configuration repo is also a great source for examples.

Source Code

The source is available for all checks. You’re welcome to open issues and submit PRs.

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RubocopBack to Top

This checks runs rubocop on Ruby files. There are two configuration options available: the rubocop configuration file and the RUBOCOP_OPTS environment variable.

TeamCI uses rubocop/config.yml if present the configuration repo. Here’s an example.

TeamCI sets RUBOCOP_OPTS to the content of rubocop/RUBOCOP_OPTS if present in the configuration repo.

EslintBack to Top

This check runs eslint. This check requires a valid eslint/eslintrc.json in the configuration repo. You can provide an ignore file at eslint/eslintignore in the configuration repo.

ShellcheckBack to Top

This check runs shellcheck on shell programs. Shellcheck requires an explicit list of files, so TeamCI tries to be smart enough about matching files for shellcheck. TeamCI will shellcheck executable files found with git ls-files with the following shebangs:

You can customize the file list by writing a custom ls files script. TeamCI will use the output from shellcheck/ls-files in the configuration repo if present. Here’s an example.

Shellcheck reads configuration from the SHELLCHECK_OPTS environment variable. TeamCI sets to the content of shellcheck/SHELLCHECK_OPTS in the configuration repo if present.

EditorconfigBack to Top

This checks test that files are covered by editorconfig rules. This check only runs if .editorconfig is present. .editorconfigignore is taken into account.

Go MetalinterBack to Top

This check runs gometalinter. You can provide a custom configuration file at gometalinter/config.json in the configuration repo. Defaults are used otherwise.

PHP CodeSnifferBack to Top

This check runs phpcs. You can provide a custom configuration file at phpcs/ruleset.xml in the configuration repo. Defaults are used otherwise.

CustomBack to Top

Teams can write their own checks using the custom check. The custom check run as Docker containers, so teams can use whatever tools or languages they like.

Create custom/Dockerfile in the shared configuration repo. TeamCI builds the Docker image and runs a container with the code under test mounted /data. Exit code 0 is success, 7 is skip, and anything else is failure.

Here’s an example.